French Language & Culture in Victoria

Alliance française de Victoria (AFV) is a Canadian non profit cultural and educational association dedicated to the promotion of the French language and culture. AFV has been active in Victoria for over 100 years. We offer a variety of French language courses adapted to the needs of the learners.

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Cafe Croissant

samedi 2 novembre de 10h à 11h30
Saturday, November 2nd, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Conversez en français et faites-vous de nouveaux amis en prenant un bon café et des pâtisseries chaque premier samedi du mois.

Converse in French and make new friends with good coffee and pastries every first Saturday of the month
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Cercle Littéraire

samedi 31 octobre de 15h à 16h3
Saturday, October 31st, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Le Cercle Littéraire est une activité organisée par l’Alliance Française de Victoria. Il se réunit une fois par mois pour discuter d’une œuvre en français qui a été choisie à l’avance par les participants.

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Conférence - Il y a 80 ans le Débarquement : Souvenir, souvenirs

Samedi 16 novembre 2024 à 14h30
Saturday, November 16th at 2:30 pm

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Enrol in a Course

We offer general French classes from beginner to advanced levels. The general French classes will allow you to develop all five language skills.

What level am I

Had some experience with French before but unsure of your level? Take our free online self-assessment to work out the right level for you.

Private Tuition

Looking for a 1-1 experience? Learn French at your own pace with our private tutoring.

What's on // Nouveautés

Cercle Littéraire - Octobre

Cercle Littéraire - Octobre

Aimez-vous lire en français? Rejoignez-nous pour discuter le roman Regardez-nous danser de Leïla Sliman.

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Café Croissant - November

Café Croissant - November

Conversez en français et faites-vous de nouveaux amis en prenant un bon café et des pâtisseries.

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Conférence - Il y a 80 ans le Débarquement : Souvenir, souvenirs

Conférence - Il y a 80 ans le Débarquement : Souvenir, souvenirs

Conférence en français donnée par M. Geoffroy de Nanteuil, Consul honoraire de France à Victoria. Le samedi 16 novembre 2024 à l'Université de Victoria (salle Hickman 110). Entrée libre et gratuite sans inscription.

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Explore // Découvrir

Join our Francophile Community

Discover the benefits of having a membership at Alliance Française.


Improve your French daily with an email! You can practice your French outside of class anywhere, anytime.


Your French e-library available 24/7 on any device. Take advantage of language-learning materials tailored to your needs.

Go further // Aller plus loin

Exams for French Diplomas

Obtain an internationally-recognised diploma of French proficiency. Qualifications can allow you to live, study or work in a francophone country.

Volunteer and share your love of French

Get involved with us, share your love of the French culture with others and participate in the francophone community in Victoria. 

Support us with a Donation

Your generosity and support helps us continue to serve our community, celebrating diversity and our passion for French-speaking cultures throughout the Beautiful British Columbia area.

Les partenaires et mécènes de l'Alliance Française de Victoria

Become a member

Become a member of Alliance Française de Victoria for exclusive offers and discounts.